It is one of the most fun things to drink and one of our favorite things to design: Beer!

The history and culture of beer goes back a long way and we thought why not give you some interesting insights, that not only will give you plenty of inspiration on how to design your next beer packaging, but also get you in the mood for a cold beer to enjoy yourself!

Read on if you want to learn more about beer breweries around the world and their history and design.

It’s 2020 and you probably couldn’t imagine a life without beer and we’re pretty sure this will not change for the next hundred, if not thousand years to come. Did you know that beer is one of the oldest drinks in the culture of mankind? There are speculations of beer dating back to about 10,000 BC – it is crazy to imagine what kind of beer our ancestors were drinking back then. Would we like it? Probably not. But it must have been good enough in order for people to stick to it and perfect it into the beer we love and drink today.  

Today we have so many different kinds of beer styles and breweries that it seems impossible to know them all. We did our best to put together a collection of some of the most traditional beer breweries as well as some of the coolest craft beer breweries around the world.

As you can imagine, during our research we came across a lot of different styles. However we have spotted many similarities, too. Here is a quick overview :


Most Traditional Beer Breweries Most Craft Beer Breweries

Use a round shaped logo

Tell a story with their design (can differ on different products)

Reference to their specific heritage or history in the design

Have a unique bottle shape (mostly a bit smaller and wider)

Pay a lot of attention to a unique lettering

Are either minimalistic in their design or very detailed

Use emblems of the cities they brew in

Have a visible reference to a certain time area (e.g. 60s)

Use the colors blue, red, gold or green

• Their colors often adapt well to the color of the bottle or beer



green carlsberg brewery logo
Old Carlsberg brewery logo on coaster
old carlsberg brewery logo brown organge
beautiful carlsberg beer bottles

Copenhagen, Denmark

Carlsberg A/S is the forth biggest brewery worldwide. Founded in 1847 this brewery also has a rich heritage of culture and innovation. in 1883 it was the Carlsberg Research Laboratory that "revolutionized quality beer with its ground-breaking discovery of pure yeast, which made it possible to make quality beer from every brew". The logo is in use since 1904, when it was designed by danish architect and artist Thorvald Bindesbøll and probably will not be changed anytime soon.

victoria bitter current logo
victoria bitter brewery old logo
victoria bitter beer bottle design
victorisa bitter beer old labels

Melbourne, Australia

In 1854 Thomas Aitken developed the recipe for the famous Australian beer Victoria Bitter. „The beer began to gain wide popularity in the mid 1960s with an innovative television advertising campaign featuring a very similar recording of the theme from the film The Magnificent Seven, images of working-class Australians at work and play.“ Over the years the design has been reduced to the basics of the brand as it does not need much explanation anymore, being one of the best selling Australian beers!

Gösser brewery logo
gosser 4 pack showcase
Gosser beer showcase
Old gosser brewery advertisement

Leoben-Göss, Austria

Gösser is one of the most famous and traditional breweries of Austria. In 1955 Gösser beer was served for the signing of the Austrian state contract. This honor is a great example of its successful history and motivation to continue on this path. Like many traditional breweries, the logo has only been slightly altered over the years.

liefmans brewery logo
liefmans beer packaging design


Another beautiful Belgian brewery with a lot of history: Liefmans is brewing beer since 1696. It stood the test of time and still does. Its logo is based on the old lettering which we love. Also, look at their beautiful product design! We cannot decide which one we like the most!

de brabandere brewery logo
brewmasters selection logo
de brabandere beer design showcase
brewmaster selection beer design


De Brabandere Brewery knows how to continue their history with grace. It is still a family-run brewery - since 1894! The brewery offers a wide range of different products: We really enjoy the design of the Wieze and definetly need to try that!


One of the best - if not the most known beer of Belgium! Leffe has a tremendous history. It dates back to 1152! Its logo sure does resemble some of that heritage. The strong lettering and the illustrative abbey on top tell you all you need to know about this brewery.


Another brewery that comes with a long history. Stella Artois roots back to 1366. It is no surprise that it has a well established name. Proud of its heritage, the logo design has a royal touch to it.

mort subite brewery logo
mort subite beer designs


This fun looking beer actually has roots back to 1686. We wouldn't have imagined that given its fruity and colorful design. The lettering makes a very interesting contrast to the rest of the design and it works really well!

budweiser budvar brewery logo
budweiser budvar brewery slogan
budweiser brewery beer showcase
budweiser beer coaster old

Czech Republic

Founded in 1895, this brewery is best known for its original Budweiser or Budweiser Budvar pale lager. The name refers to the Czech city the brewery is located in: České Budějovice (German: Budweis). This quote sums up the character of the brewery quite well: “Budweiser Budvar is a great beer because it has great raw materials and great brewers. They produce it in a slow and painstaking way. Its integrity is best served by its being produced in its town of origin, in a region with pride in its beer”.

pilsner urquell brewery logo
pilsner urquell old advertisement
pilsner urquell bottle showcase
pilsner urquell logo on old beer coaster

Pilsen, Czech Republic

1842 the first Pils was brewed. Named after the city it was brewed in, not much has changed over the years - except the beer becoming world famous and serving as a foundation for almost all known other lager beers. Without much ado, the design of the logo is communicating the original and traditional character of the beer. The nostalgic lettering serves as a beautiful reference to its history.

sinebrychoff brewery logo
sinebrychoff brewery old sign
sinebrychoff porter and apa beer
sinebrychoff old beer coaster


Founded in 1819 in Helsinki by Russian merchant Nikolai Sinebrychoff, the Sinebrychoff brewery is the oldest brewery still operating in the Nordic countries. Over the decades the brands design underwent many changes. Today the very modern, classy and minimalistic logo shows two horse heads with a crown above them. But we absolutely love the old image on the left depicting the old factory. Look at that lettering! It's simply amazing!


A very classic french beer, that is actually brewed in Flanders. Its very minimalistic and clear design fits well to the appearance of the brand. Unlike German oder other beer, it is served in a glass looking a lot like a wine glass. Drinking beer in France has to be done in style!

augustiner brewery logo
old augustiner brewery labels and logos
beer coaster with augustiner logo
augustiner brewery bottle show case

Munich, Germany

Founded in 1328, Augustiner-Bräu is the oldest brewery in Munich. If you have ever been around the area of Munich, you very probably have enjoyed its famous beer Augustiner, Lagerbier Hell. Fond of its heritage and history, the design is very much about that. The initials J.W. stand for Joseph Wagner, who after the death of his father took care of the family business in 1858. He helped it expand and flourish, therefore his initials remain present on the brands logo.

hasenbräu augsburg brewery logo on beer coaster
augsburger hasenbräu beer label showcase

Augsburg, Germany

This brewery goes back a looong time. 1464 was the earliest mentioning of the brewery. In the 18th century it also found its name: A rabbit found its way into the brewing house and the host was eager to catch him. Chasing the rabbit, he made a fool of himself as he fell on his nose and the rabbit escaped. Ever since the name Hasen-Preu was established. Proud and eager to keep the heritage alive, Hasen Bräu uses the rabbit in its logos. It comes in different variations, just like the different beer styles, Hasen Bräu is

becks brewery logo on red backgorund
Classic becks and becks gold bottle
old becks bottle with old logo
old becks brewery logo

Bremen, Germany

Another internationally famous brewery brand is Beck’s, located in Bremen, Germany. You probably recognize its green beer bottles. The key in the Beck’s logo is a reverse image of the key in Bremen’s coat of arms. It is placed in the upper part of the logo in order to glorify the brand identity, which has been a synonym of quality and beer expertise for more than 100 years.

bayreuther brewery logo
bayreuther beer bottles

Bayreuth, Germany

Bavaria is known for its great beer breweries all around the world. One of these is the Bayreuther Brewery. Its beers are all crafted in the name of the Bavarian Rheinheitsgebot allowing only four main ingredients. Proud of Bavarian tradition and heritage, Bayreuther has a crown in their logo. The white and blue design definitely sticks out between other brands and makes a perfect contrast to the rather traditional part of the brewery.

rothaus brewery logo
old sign rothaus brewery
rothaus beer bottle design showcase
old red sign rothaus brewery

Grafenhausen, Germany

Rothaus has a charming character. Its famous Tannenzäpfle is a perfect example. We love the colorful and playful design that is unlike many other German breweries. It is served since 1956 and has been enjoyed ever since.

paulaner brewery logo
Paulaner bottle showcase
paulaner brewery salvator old beer coaster

Munich, Germany

Situated in Munich, the Paulaner brewery dates back to 1634. The mendicant order and the brewery are named after Francis of Paola (founder of the order). It is one of the few beers served at the famous Oktoberfest plus Paulaner "ranks number six at Germany's best selling beers". We really like how the brand's history is made look so modern and stylish in the logo design.

Erdinger Weißbräu brewery logo
Erdinger beer bottle design

Erding, Bavaria

Most known for its Erdinger Weißbier, this brewery claims to be the biggest wheat beer brewery worldwide. It is only produced in Erding, Bavaria and is being exported to over 100 countries worldwide. Its blue, red and white-colored logo has a very classic and traditional look, that fits perfectly to the brewery’s image.

löwenbräu brewery logo
löwenbräu old beer coaster lion on blue bavarian background
löwenbräu beer bottle design showcase
löwenbräu brewery old beer coaster - two lion with ornaments and logo


Löwenbräu is one of the world’s oldest and most iconic breweries. Founded in 1383, this brewery has an incredible amount of experience and heritage. The majestic lion in their logo, that also refers to its name, alongside the colors blue and gold (royal colors) make it clear that Löwenbräu is one of the top players among breweries worldwide.

guiness new logo
guiness logo history
guiness old beer bottles
Guiness brewery new logo draft

Dublin, Ireland

Everybody knows and probably has tasted a Guinnes beer before! Founded by Arthur Guinnes in 1752 this brewery has come a long way. In 1862 the Guinnes trademark label is introduced. Three essential parts are included in it: Arthur's signature, the famous harp and the company's name. These three items remain present until today.

murphys brewery current logo
murphys brewery old advertisement
murphys irish red beer packaging showcase
murphys brewery old logo on beer coaster


When we think about Ireland we do not get around thinking about its myths. This country is known for its magical creatures and fantastical sceneries. No wonder that Murphy's has its own mystical heritage: The brewery is situated nearby a well (named Lady's Well) that is dedicated to Mother Earth and is said to have certain healing powers. Based on this story Murphy's is also known as the Lady's Well Brewery.

poretti brewery logo
poretti beer old label
poretti beer showcase
Old label poretti brewery

Varese, Italy

In 1877 the brewery was founded by Angelo Poretti, hence the name of the brand. Even though the lettering of the logo has always been rather thin and elegant (look at these beautiful Art-Nouveau-inspired vintage ads!), we do really like the current design. It has a rather timeless look, that still reminds of the older versions.

birra moretti brewery logo
birra moretti vintage case
moretti brewery old logo on beer coaster

Pollein, Italy

Birra Moretti was founded by Luigi Moretti in 1859. Since 1996 it belongs to Heineken. Nevertheless the history is ever present on the logo. We really like the design because you directly know what to expect: A decent beer giving you a taste of Italian heritage and tradition. It also comes in a huge bottle!

peroni brewery
peroni nastro azzurro logo
peroni beer showcase nastro azzuro
nastro azzuro old advertisement women hugging beer


How fancy you can make a beer look? Peroni sure knows how to! This classy Italian brewery has a big passion for sailing. This is interesting because all its former advertisement was based upon the nautical theme. The premium Nastro Azzurro beer represents this in its design: “...the ribbon on the sailor hat was representative of the one featured on the neck of the bottle, becoming a hugely recognisable symbol for the brand”.

menabrea brewery current logo
menabrea beer old label
menabrea beer bottle design
menabrea brewery old logo

Biella, Italy

Since 1846 Italian brewery Menabrea is serving the world its classy beer. The traditional brewery has a beautiful logo design. We just love the fine details of the illustrations around the stunning lettering. Menabrea serves as a great exmaple for timeless taste (in design and beer, of course!).

kirin ichiban brewery logo
kirin ichiban sixpack showcase
kirin ichbiban brewery old label

Nakano, Japan

It is countries like Japan that implement culture and beliefs in the most beautiful ways into their products. "The KIRIN is a mythical creature, a messenger of good luck. A gentle creature, flies the skies; its feet never touching the ground as not to harm any insects or plants. Also known as a symbol of a peaceful world, it is said to bring days full of peace and tranquility." Seriously, we are in love! KIRIN ICHIBAN continues to spread joy with its beer and design.

amstel brewery logo
amstel beer design showcase

The Netherlands

Another famous brewery from the Netherlands that carries a lot of history: Amstel. Its red, white and golden colors give it a very classic and majestic look - it is definitely a must to have an Amstel when in Amsterdam!

grolsch brewery logo
Old Grolsch sign
Grolsch bottle small and large
old grolsch beer coaster

Enschede, The Netherlands

Excellence in brewing since 1615. It is fascinating how many breweries are brewing beer for so many centuries! No wonder most of them keep their logos the same or better said: are very careful with making significant changes! Grolsch kept its lettering and the green color and we don't see that changing! Thanks to the green color Grolsch beer is easy to spot and of course: easy and delicious to enjoy!

heineken brewery logo on green background
heineken bottles - new old and wobo

The Netherlands

The iconic green beer bottle and its red star is known all around the globe. It’s the second largest brewing company worldwide. Today the company has its production facilities in over 70 countries worldwide and produces 250 various beverages under its sub-brands. The famous logo was first designed in the 1860s, but unfortunately the original logo wasn’t saved over the years but it is known that the 1884 version was based on the one from the 1860s. Changes were made over the years and the logo became more bold in its colors and letters, but the essential parts remained the same!

corona brewery logo current
corona brewery old logo red with crown
corona beer bottle show case
corona brewery old beer coaster


Corona - the crown beer. Despite what is going on this year, Corona Extra remains one of the top-selling beers worldwide. The iconic hand painted bottle, golden color and the famous logo-font make you want to drink one yourself right now!

sol brewery logo
sol beer label old
sol beer bottle design
sol old advertisement and old logo


Sol - named after the sun, this logo does well by capturing its lively energy and the Mexican spirit. We like how the emphasis is on the strong lettering whereas the sun serves as a supporting element. The logo differs from the rest of the common beer brands and has a rather unique design.

tiger beer brewery logo
tiger beer old label
tiger beer bottle new and old
tiger beer old advertisement


Launched in 1932 in Singapore, this beer certainly differs from what the rest of the other breweries look like and we love it. Its font has not been changed since and the tiger in the logo fits perfectly to it. This logo looks and feels exotic. It calls for summer, the beach and exploring new cultures.

estrella damm current logo
estrella damm beer advertisement
estrella damm old and current bottle
estrella damm brewery old logo

Barcelona, Spain

Founded in 1878, the lager beer brewed in Barcelona, Spain, is much lighter than central European beer. It is known as Mediterranean lager. The Estrella logo does well in capturing the Mediterranean atmosphere. The red and gold colors, along with the star above the bold font make a strong appearance, call for a fresh summer experience.

singha beer brewery logo
singha beer old beer coaster with beautiful dragon logo
singha beer bottle old and new and can
singha beer old advertisement


The Singha brewery is proud of its country’s tradition, thus the lion in the logo was inspired by one of the four great lions in Thai literature, which Thai folk believes to be the king of Himmapan Forest. The font is matching the traditional drawing of the lion with its curves and golden color. Singha is the must-have beer when in Thailand!

miller high life  brewery logo
miller high lige advertisement
miller high life bottles
Miller high life champagne of beers advertisement

Wisconsin, United State

This American brewery was founded in 1855 by Frederick Miller after he emigrated from Hohenzollern, Germany. One of the key motifs of this brand is the Girl On The Moon. Although there is no record of how the famous illustration was created, she was first trademarked by Miller in 1907 and has since become one of the most mysterious and beloved brand icons in America. Miller High Life combines both: a classy look and a dreamy, high-life feeling!



fullsteam brewery logo
fullsteam beer cans - paycheck and humidty
Fullsteam bottle showcase
fullsteam kudzu and liborius beer labels

Durham, North Carolina

Launched in 2010 "Fullsteam brews distinctly Southern beer that fosters agricultural pride and prosperity in a post-tobacco South. By buying local to brew local, we aim to improve the quality of life of local farmers, foragers, and agricultural entrepreneurs." Not only does this brewery have a very humble and social approach to brewing beer, also they have fantastic branding! We cannot decide which design we like the most!

copper kettle brewery logo
copper kettle beer selection
copperkettle beer design
copper kettle tab beer design

Denver, United States

This is one of our favorite beer designs! Everything is so well put together - we are in love! Also, the brewery is family-run and "CKBC seeks to create what America seems to have lost: a local neighborhood bar in which we strive to know your name and your story. Sit down, relax, and enjoy a beer with new and old friends." That's the way to go!

brouwers brewery logo
brouwers beer design

The Netherlands

This rather young brewery (compared to the old gems above) chose a wonderful design. Brouwers comes in a bottle or can - each a pleasure to look at and drink!

lowlander brewery logo
lowlander beer design

The Netherlands

Gold-Winner Design, World Beer Awards 2019 - what more to say. Lowlander has some of the most beautiful designed bottles and while the bottle that won the category is rather minimalistic in its colors, the other beers surprise us in bright colors mixed with wonderful illustrations.

brouwerij brewery logo
brouwerij beer design

The Netherlands

The brewery was founded by musician Kasper Peterson, who "looked for an official outlet for his experimental home brewing. As a member and composer of the band Door Mekaar, he fell in love with the Belgian style beers while touring south of the Dutch border. Since similar beers were not yet brewed in Amsterdam, Kasper decided to produce them himself." That was in 1985. Today, Brouwerij't IJ is one of the biggest and best known breweries of Amsterdam and offers a range of pretty cool beer! (We think the logo is amazing!)

költ brewery logo
költ beer design


This beer aims to merge two very different beer styles and German cities: Kölsch and Alt (Cologne and Düsseldorf). Although so close to each other, they often remain in a dispute about who is better. Hans and Matthias, two friends who met during their studies in Düsseldorf, took this issue to heart and came up with the perfect solution: költ. Since 2018 their beer is served and can finally reunite people. And of course their beautiful design is hard to miss or get mad about! It is simply perfect - well done!

Jacobsen brewery logo
jacobsen beer design

Copenhagen, Denmark

Named after Carlsberg's founder, J.C. Jacobsen, it is housed in the original Carlsberg brewery in Valby in Copenhagen. Jacobsen beer is the response to the "growing market segment sparked by the microbrewery movement" and we must say it turned our pretty well! The design is simply beautiful in all its variations! Have you tried it yet?

breckenridge brewing company logo
breckenridge brewery beers

Breckenrige, Colorado

Breckenbridge Brewery opened its doors in 1990 making it the "third-oldest craft brewery in the state." Since then the company has been growing and receiving increasing amount of interest. Its design is colorful just like the flavors of its beers.

white rabbit brewery logo and beers
white rabbit beer design

Victoria, Australia

This nicely designed beer by White Rabbit Brewery is made in Victoria, Australia and it reminds us of fairytales and enchanted forests. Each beer tells you a story - are you ready for a taste?

13 stripes brewery logo
13 stripes beers

Taylors, United States

This American brewery implements its country's history in all of its products and its name, too. “Huddled together over a beer, our forefathers met in pubs across 13 colonies in order to design a revolution that pitted them against overwhelming odds.” Their bottles illustrate different themes fitting to their taste. 13 Stripes uses beautiful design to remember our history and have more fun enjoying their beers.

brooklyn brewery logo
brooklyn brewery beers

Brooklyn, United States

Arguably one of the coolest and most hip breweries that exists! Brooklyn Brewery does not only come in an amazing and funky design, its whole history is exciting and worth looking up!

modern times brewery logo
modern times beer designs

United States

“To live, right now, in a world of enterprising, fulfilling hedonism” - these are the motifs behind the Modern Times brewery. The lettering in the logo represents this quite well. Paired with some rather minimalistic shapes the design is elegant and yet playful. We like it a lot!


This french brewery combines both: beautiful design and taste. It is Country-Winner in the category of Dark Beer in the World Beer Awards 2018. A great accomplishment and motivation to keep going as the Brasserie was only founded in 2015!


The Ondergronds Beer is the Gold-Winner in the category of Dark Beer. Kompel has done a great job adapting the design to the taste of this beer. On its website you find the following explanation: ‘Ondergronds’ (underground) immediately evokes the image of a coal miner with a layer of dust on his face, working hard in the extensive underground passageways. The roasted malt largely determines the colour, aroma, and flavour of this beer”.


What a beautiful design! No wonder it was voted Bronze in Design in the World Beer Awards 2019. It comes in three different styles and we are eager to try one of these!

We believe it is pretty cool that so many breweries have this insane history and keep it a major part in their design and overall appearance. However we also think that especially craft breweries do a great job in experimenting with different styles and design ideas.

So now that you had a look at all these traditional breweries and craft beer breweries, let us know your favorite in the comments!


A fantastic showcase of brewery logos! The creativity and uniqueness of each design really capture the spirit of craft brewing.

sbrewingcompany September 04, 2024

Please add a space between J and ’T
BROUWERIJ = brewery and ’T IJ (short for HET IJ) is the name of the brewery.

Freddy Maertens August 22, 2021

These are great! Some I recognize, many I don’t. These postings are so beautiful and I learn something from their spirit and imagination. You show take a look at Stone Brew (used to be microbrews, and now is a big company) labels. A litle earthy, but interesting.
Thank you so very much.

Nancy Michael April 28, 2021

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