Ultimate Procreate Background Set

Who doesn’t miss the feeling of sourcing papers and finding the best textures to do awesome crafty creations? We certainly do and after going through hundreds of materials in stores, basements, and design studios we came up with a tool that will give you that crafty feeling your digital creations need.
This set contains over 87 brushes that will allow you to build up your lettering and illustration scenes with super realistic stamps and brushes. They’ve been professionally sourced, scanned, and retouched to ease your process. Contains seamless canvas brushes to fit any painting style. You will be able to use the textures in any surface size and in any color you want.
We’ve also included 36 ripped papers 21 crafty add-ons (including ink textures and pencil scraps) that will help you build up your compositions in no time. The amount of possibilities is endless!
You know we love extras. In this set, you’ll find 3 prepared scenes to help you understand the best practices when building your own. They are ready-to-use procreate files in high and low res, adapted for any kind of iPad!
Product Content
23 Seamless Canvas Brushes (+23 Inverted Brushes)
36 Ripped Paper Stamps
21 Craft Add-on Stamps
7 Overlay Shadow Stamps
3 Procreate Prepared Scenes
Pencil Scraps Guide (Procreate mini-tutorial)An Easy-to-Follow.
PDF Installation Guide (Mac and Windows)
Software compatibility: Procreate for Ipad
Shoutbam is a Creative studio founded by Tea & Jimbo, 2 humans, a creative duo that shares passion and love for each other, great design, new challenges, and sunny days. They have worked with brands worldwide and at the moment they also create Digital Products that help passionate lettering artists and illustrators. A mixture of minds with skills that encourage and challenge each other to produce pieces of art that ooze happiness and rainbows!
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